Occupational Therapy in Numbers

Occupational Therapy in Numbers

Annual Changes in Number of Occupational Therapist Schools,
Licensed Therapists, OTs per hundred thousand of population, JAOT members


No. of schools No. of licensed OTs No. of OTs per 100,000 No. of JAOT members Rate of organizations
1966 2 22 0.0 18 82%
1967 2 72 0.1 54 75%
1968 2 132 0.1 103 78%
1969 3 222 0.2 150 68%
1970 3 311 0.3 200 64%
1975 4 569 0.5 383 68%
1980 13 991 0.8 752 76%
1981 17 1,101 0.9 842 77%
1982 21 1,268 1.1 994 78%
1983 24 1,458 1.2 1,022 70%
1984 27 1,763 1.5 1,167 66%
1985 28 2,154 1.8 1,386 64%
1986 30 2,595 2.1 2,046 79%
1987 30 3,020 2.5 2,414 80%
1988 29 3,539 2.9 2,870 81%
1989 29 4,095 3.3 3,387 83%
1990 33 4,706 3.8 3,909 83%
1991 33 5,301 4.3 4,391 83%
1992 36 5,841 4.7 4,901 84%
1993 44 6,415 5.1 5,457 85%
1994 48 7,042 5.6 6,027 86%
1995 58 7,722 6.1 6,618 86%
1996 72 8,762 7 7,472 85%
1997 81 9,822 7.8 8,400 86%
1998 93 11,049 8.7 9,479 86%
1999 97 12,640 10 10,914 86%
2000 107 14,894 11.7 12,932 87%
2001 119 17,243 13.5 15,020 87%
2002 132 19,830 15.5 17,279 87%
2003 143 22,769 17.8 19,849 87%
2004 152 26,083 20.4 22,841 88%
2005 156 29,525 23.1 25,890 88%
2006 159 33,710 26.3 29,185 87%
2007 169 38,110 29.8 32,557 85%
2008 176 42,369 33.1 35,526 84%
2009 179 47,776 37.3 38,569 81%
2010 172 53,094 41.5 41,629 78%
2011 176 57,232 44.8 44,448 78%
2012 175 61,869 48.5 45,345 73%
2013 182 65,949 51.8 47,476 72%
2014 181 70,689 55.6 49,027 69%
2015 184 74,815 58.9 51,262 69%
2016 186 80,159 63.2 54,999
(as of March,2017)
(as of March,2017)

Gender Composition of Occupational Therapists

As of March 2015, Japanese occupational therapists include about 36% men and about 64% women.

Number of association members

(according to 2014 JAOT member statistics)

Age Composition of Occupational Therapists

Most of Japanese occupational therapists are aged 26 through 30 (about 30%); those aged form 26 through 35 account for about half. The average age is 33.16 for men, and 32.45 for women.

Number of members by age

(according to 2014 JAOT member statistics)

Affiliation of Occupational Therapists

As regards place of employment of Japanese occupational therapists, about 26,000 persons are employed by healthcare corporations, which make the largest share of 53%; next come national and municipal public agencies (12%), and NPO and other organizations (8%). In terms of main professional duties, clinical work accounts for 83%, and then comes education with 3%.

Number of members by place of employment

(according to 2014 JAOT member statistics)

Field of Specialization of Occupational Therapists

In specialization of Japanese occupational therapists, physical disabilities account for 59%; then come senile disorders and mental disorders with 14% and 14%, respectively.

Number of members by specialization

(according to 2014 JAOT member statistics)

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